Friday, March 25, 2011

Christina Hendricks Inspired by TV Castaway Ginger

Christina Hendricks bases her red hot look on a TV castaway.

The 35-year-old Mad Men actress says it was watching a young shipwrecked schoolgirl Ginger on ’60s TV show Gilligan’s Island that inspired her to go from blonde to red.

“As a kid, every day I would come home and watch Gilligan’s Island and Ginger was on there slinking around in her beaded gowns and purring and everyone was scared of her,” explains Christina.

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Will 'Mad Men' get groovy?

As the AMC series moves deeper into the '60s, it could see its trendsetting fashions change too.

So maybe it's worth speculating a bit about the '60s-era television show — "Mad Men" — that's been a major influence on much recent fashion. At the end of last season, the series closed the door on the first half of the decade, ending in late 1965.

Series creator Matt Weiner is notoriously secretive about the show, so there's no telling exactly where the action will pick up when it returns. "Mad Men" costume designer Janie Bryant was hesitant when asked about it over coffee as she was doing interviews for the publication of her book, "The Fashion File: Advice, Tips, and Inspiration from the Costume Designer of Mad Men."

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